Skater dude

A very slow start to a very busy day
Daddy went shooting
We went to the park to met Woms old nursery friends
They hadn’t seen each other since September, but so quickly slotted back into their friendship so easily.
So lovely to see given how reluctant he can be to talk

From here we popped to see Elgar’s gravestone for Woms homework, then onto the works to let munch spend her £2
Pocket money that was burning a hole in her pocket!

Home for lunch

Afternoon spent on the bikes
Wom has to take his bike to beavers this week
We had a bit of scooter boy - Sarah and duck going in, he had lost his confidence. A few bumps and several bouts of tears but sheer joy when he was doing it! He will be fine as long as there are no corners


Hour of quiet time
New swimming time for munchie
Swimming done for tea

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