Amelia roses
Another bad night and falling asleep late/early I slept in till 7.09. Cycled to pool. Bike was ok till almost home. I'm now thinking it's the back tyre.
The weather forecast lied. No warm sun but rain in the morning and totally overcast warmth in the afternoon. I struggled in the morning setting up the brick solar lights when I should have been showering, breakfasting and working.
I was off this afternoon and I'd planned to go pick elderflowers. The weather put paid to that so I was back in the garden. Moved a couple of shrubs in the back and some pots in the front. Discovered some more large thug weeds in the back and bought an ivy leaf geranium to balance the two I overwintered. Despite the drizzle I kept going and ended by taking the bulbs recuperated from the front out of the mud bath they were resting in.
Amelia's roses are out. Olivia's are well behind.
I'm skiving the LDCC meeting but I need to read the papers for Wednesday's Board meeting.
Willow has taken to sleeping in the folded lounger in the shed. Then if there are sounds of a cat fight she comes shooting out 'where is it, where's the fight, I'm here'. Then she saunters back when she realises the action is over.. She'll get shut in of she's not careful.
F2F - 3
Phone calls - 3
Virtual - 0
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