Margaret Chessum

Today's the day ..................... for roses

Apart from this one, there have been no roses in this garden - until the end of last year.

Not because we don't like them (far from it) but because - well, there just weren't any here and we hadn't got round to doing anything about it.  But then Will spotted someone on Facebook, who lived not far away, who was offering pretty much a complete collection of roses.  He loved roses, but only had a small garden which had become completely full.  He had plans for something different and so was offering quite a few of his roses for sale at a more than reasonable price.

We went to collect them back in October last year - and he had done a great job of getting them ready for transportation.  They were all neatly labelled, so all we had to do was find a place for them - and then wait to see what they would look like when the flowers opened.

This is Margaret - the very first of them to flower - and if they're all as magnificent as her, we'll be well pleased ........................ 

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