The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Red mourning flags

Tricky day. We are one colleague down at work at the moment. Another went off sick today..That left three of us. Three children were off, so we managed, with an extra person sent in to cover our lunch breaks. It's the bathroom time that takes so long, I always worry about being out of the room when I'm changing nappies.

Later, after doing some shopping, I dropped in on GS to pick up her copy of The Hours DVD. She has been living a secluded life since the start of the first lockdown, 15 months ago, but is going to start going out more, and stop doing online courses for the time being. I'm glad to hear it! We had a lot to chat about, and then SA turned up. She is in the middle of a family crisis exacerbated by lockdown, so we talked some more. It's all so difficult, and the gloomy weather does not help.

Eventually I left and made my way home via the town centre. I finished watching The Hours when I got home. I found it a fine book and film, in parts very touching.

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