
By LifeLines


The unsettled theme to the weather continues. As I type heavy rain pours down. Earlier we had glorious sunshine.

At lunchtime I seized a moment of dry weather to pop to the allotment and check on my cardboard and manure laying job of yesterday - an attempt to smother the weeds at the back of one of the plots. The herbs are looking so vibrant just now - the sage in particular.

The weekend was a good one. My first face to face yoga class in 18 months - outside at Tuppenny Barn. After our practice there was time for a drink and chat. Such a treat - the excitement and thrill of us being together again was clear.

Then on Sunday morning I practiced massage with a fellow student who kindly travelled to us - again rather a novelty - to have a visitor. The afternoon was spent at the allotment catching up on weeding, planting out a few French bean plants and leeks, and laying the aforementioned cardboard and manure. It felt good to get a workout of wheelbarrowing and digging! I was so warm I didn’t care the rain was pouring down.

Hope this finds you all well and apologies that my commenting has been a little sparse these past few days.

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