The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Buzz Off

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I am a one woman bee rescue team at the moment. Our back door is open most of the day as it’s warm and bumblebees keep flying in and getting trapped because they are too stupid to fly right back out of the door they just came in! They fly to one of the windows and repeatedly head-butt the glass in the hope that it will suddenly stop being solid. The demented buzzing eventually drives me crazy and I launch operation CAC* to temporarily contain and then release the bee back into the wilds of the back garden to feast on daisies. The back door has to be closed for the latter part of this operation due to the disproportionate number of times that the rescuee flies straight back into the house!

But today as a buzzy fellow was waiting on the window ledge to be rescued, EMP said “it’ll start twerking in a minute.” And it did. That dude could have given Miley a run for her money!

So that’s what I learned today - bumblebees twerk!


*Cup and card

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