
By mollymay49

Cormorant on the edge ....Our last walk ....

....Around the Marina at Mindarie for a while, we were all wearing masks again today due to a return traveller from Sydney where the virus is running rampant with 130 transmissions recorded, she was visiting family, this person came back to WA before the borders were closed at the weekend, she was negative on arrival then proved positive 3 days later, and where does live? Mindarie!
 later this evening a news bulletin on the TV from our premier announced 3 more cases have been found, one from someone who worked at the marina, another from a gym where this person had been, its so easily spread! consequently the whole of our state is now in a 4 day lockdown, this is the closest we have come to this virus since it all began, queue after queue at testing sites thousands are being tested, everyone is on edge, we have only watched events unfold from afar now its on our doorstep. 

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