Lake Crescent

Fantastic day, for the most part...the four of us left Westport, where the “beach house” (my grandparents’ old house) is, and drove north up the Olympic Peninsula. We stopped at the beautiful Quinault Lodge, admired the beach views along the highway - part of the Olympic National Park - and pointed to a few remnants of Twilight fame in Forks, and eventually found the peninsula's entire population at Lake Crescent. The water felt absolutely blissful. We had some scary moments when D. jumped from the pier, unprepared for the depth and chill. But all is thankfully ok.

Back in Bellevue at the end of the day, we've rejoined the heat wave. It was hot on the peninsula, but a dozen degrees cooler than here. We're without a well-functioning AC and to be honest it's quite uncomfortable...but we have shelter and electricity, and all too many do not.

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