
By Igor

say “hello” Derek, you’re on Blip

This is Derek, one of the BlueShirt volunteers at my gym. The BlueShirts are vital to the running of the place.  As well as being trained first-aiders, they monitor our heart-rate, blood pressure and generally keep an eye on us while we’re exercising.  

Being a charity, we don’t have (i.e., can’t afford) enough full-time professional staff and so people like Derek make the difference between being able to exercise in a safe environment and not.

Today marked another step on the road to back normality (whatever that turns out to be). The 3-metre rule has been relaxed which means we can have a few more members at each session.  So I got to see more old faces.

Although it’s been more than a year, none seemed to have aged.  They looked very much as I remember them.  But all reported the same thing - a general slowing down and a lack of enthusiasm for exercising at home on their own.  

When all restrictions are eventually lifted - in a few months, hopefully - the entire group will be back.  Greater numbers will mean more BlueShirts on duty and so Derek can get back to his other vitally important role - making the tea at the end of the session.

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