Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Weeds or flowers?

We have this growing all over our lawn, I don't know what it is, its very orchid-like but as it is purple I thought it would do for the TT challenge today of purple.

Its been a funny day, cloudy but quite warm and now it is raining. I had a long walk in the woods with Xena and she was a bit muddy afterwards due to the rain this week.  

I cannot believe how packed the stadium is at Wimbledon, I thought they would have spacing between seats but I guess the prize money has not been reduced due to Covid so they are getting in as many as they can. Luke is going to Wimbledon tomorrow, and he has only had his first vaccine so far, so I do worry.

I have a physio appointment this evening so I must prepare supper before I go. I know some practitioners are so booked up and due to Covid cleaning between appointments it means they are working longer hours to try and fit patients in.

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