Angel's Fishing Rods

A common name which really does fit the plant.   Dierama pulcherrimum, tough, iris-like upright leaves shield wispy flower stems which branch as they elongate, the weight of the flowers bending them over as they open.   The whole wafted gently by the breeze today adding to their attraction.   I have three types in flower now, all raised from seed.   This, at about four feet tall is the grandest while the others are two foot and one foot tall respectively.    The seed was sown over in Norfolk, early in 2018 and this is the first time they have flowered.   Happy!

A busy day, when aren't they?   A lovely walk to start with thanks to C and her dog, also Meg.   A day that started wet, improved markedly as we walked out to the Dysynni estuary and back in a long loop.   Both dogs found their way into the mud at times and despite a paddle, Meg needed and got a bath when we got back!    Tidying and sorting, laundry (extra due to puppy accidents) and work filled much of the rest.   The last hour of usable daylight was spent in the garden, weeding.   Another day well spent.

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