Old Mate

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Today was a non-day. I decided this fairly early on. I had booked it off, knowing I would be tired from 2 days in Auckland and also Caro has been missing me. 

Well, wouldn't you? We are talking about ME here, after all.

Not that I was much company. I woke up at 5am* so by the time Caro woke up I was feeling sleepy again and was asleep on the couch for much of the morning.

She had to prepare for a webinar anyway. That may not sound so stressful, but she was running this one so was a bit strung out about it.

My job during the webinar. My ONE job. Was to keep "Old Mate" here quiet. "Old Mate" is a Kiwi term Caro has started throwing around as a faint pejorative name and she applied it here to Jasper. 

He can be quite loud. 

"MEOWWRRRR MEOW MEOWFFF MEOW. RRRRR," he says. When he is annoyed at not getting his way about something. 

So Caro picked him up and biffed him into the spare room with me, "Can you keep Old Mate quiet for an hour?" she asked. Then she closed the door. 

Which was a  mistake. I probably COULD have kept Jasper sweet if she hadn't closed the door. He HATES closed doors.


So I let him out and took him upstairs. I opened the front door and let him putter about in the garage. He NEVER gets to do this, so it was a special treat. I figured it would keep him sweet.

And then I turned around and he was GONE.

I raced down the stairs to find him contributing to Caro's webinar. 


Caro shot me a look. "You had ONE JOB, Symon," that look said.

I scooped up the little hairy turd and took him back upstairs. 

However, Caro's webinar went well and she didn't blame me for Jasper being a dick. I tucked myself up for a SECOND nap after all that excitement. But could hear Caro calling Feefs to tell her how everything had gone. 

"It was fine. Yes, yes, Jasper behaved himself for the most part. And Old Mate here is having a nap," I heard her say.

I opened one eye and found Caro's phone camera pointing at ME.

Am I "Old Mate" now? Am I really? Am I filed alongside JASPER in terms of my priority and usefulness?

Well. Maybe that's fair. I shan't fight it.


* Thanks Punky.

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