Attention seeker…

…this was his third attempt. MrR’s shoes being the previous focus.

It gets near to walk time and he just gets outrageous…how he expects MrR to walk him in chewed shoes though I have no idea…hasn’t quite thought that through.

This is him waiting to catch MrR’s eye…his pinching is complete and utter attention seeking.

He knows the cues too that the walk is imminent…I’ll say “Right” generally followed by “we should get him out” but as soon as I say “Right” the head is cocked and he’s watching…then one of us might nip to the loo before heading out…that’s when all hell breaks loose and he’s jumping about, from sofa to sofa and barking! Only popping his head collar on settles him because he knows he’s not being left behind…as if we would!

Grateful for this daft mutt even when he steals the remote control.

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