Honeyberry Harvest

The honeyberry bushes (Lonicera caerulea) I planted last July have surprised me by producing berries directly, the first year. The taste is really interesting, a sort of mix of sweet and sour, but Jan reckoned they tasted good so the sour can’t be that strong. The shape is…erm…interesting. This bush is the Jugarna variant, originally from Russia, and is bigger and earlier than the Aurora variant from Canada, next to it. The latter also has berries but they are still green.
Our first day home from our Midsummer trip was mostly a gardening day. The lawn is now a meadow and I managed to start our dodgy lawnmower and cut some sections. I knew I was going to run out of fuel so I left the more flowery sections, and made sure the parts with a fine crop of aspen(?) shoots were cut.
The evening went to football as I supported first England :-) and then Sweden :-(  .  At least the latter result means my two teams won’t meet up, as they would have if Sweden had won.  In case you get the wrong idea I am not a great fan of football, and have only just started to show interest in this tournament. As a team advances further and more people get interested, it becomes a topic of social chat. At that stage I usually join the flock.
PS My first backblip from the trip has gone up, showing Lake Siljan and a late sunset.

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