Cup With Sugar Cube

Yes, they're still there, but no longer in large numbers.  Many were mowed down by the rain.  Some lifted their heads again, like this one.

A day at home watching the European Championship football games.  To be precise, both games today, totalling about four hours, with commentary in between.  I hadn't watched a single full game in ages, and tonight I could not be distracted to do other things -- such an excitement I haven't had for such a long time!  The even scores were fab enough, the extra scores during extension were even more so, and then for the Swiss to trump the French just before midnight... that was the icing on the cake!  I do not know if I will watch again tomorrow.

Almost done with the Book of Kells review.  It's a nice way to remember that there's a reason to visit Dublin again.  When?  No idea.  Certainly not this year or anytime soon.  Aside from this, the usual household chores, and AW left for live bridge with the local group.  According to him, not one man lost to COVID this past 1.5 years, which is good news, and now, even better, everyone has been jabbed twice.

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