First of all I would like to say a huge THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all the wonderful birthday wishes I received yesterday.  The end to a perfect day.  The roses in the blip are just some of the fabulous roses given to me by my wonderful little sister, she shouldn't have of course but they are beautiful, like her.  Of course they are English roses for a certain English Football team as I believe that there was some sort of  football match on yesterday and England won!!!!!  

Just a quiet day today as I feel really tired, too much excitement yesterday I expect.  Been doing a little photography learning but not too much as my brain is bit fuddled today.

I've still got a lot of catching up to do with over everything but it will get there at some point.

I am feeling very nervous about the full lifting of covid restrictions.  I  am really pleased for all those people and industries for whom the restrictions are still having a bad impact, however I am afraid I won't be changing my covid safety habits for some time to come yet.  Then to be fair I've never liked crowds anyway so that part of it won't change for me.

Do take care and continue staying safe.  Thank you all once again and I will see you all tomorrow.

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