
By sas05


los pacominos eran fantásticas, otra noche brillante..... friday nite and what better thing to do than paaaaaaarty with paul young and his amigos, and seens its red nose day , thought it apt that we have a funny pic. Cause not as funny as the guy with one dance fits all no matter whos playing .. bless him , hes having fun and he bops along in a most enthusiastic manner ,, but the same thing !! whos who.. zztops,, no matter.. bop bop bop , typical guy,, got good at one thing and doing it to death..
recap over what has been a flaming hectic few days, five and half hours sleep in over 48 hours... finished nite shift at 6 am thursday morning,, then to shamaras assembly.. they done brilliant and you can see all the kids growing in stature,, they done a really life affirming chirpy song at the end,, brill stuff, proud daddy... back home and a hours and a halfs sleep .. up again..then pick the girls up from school ,, then later onto poole to see/photograph those three bands.. kanckered i get to bed at gone 1 am ..then up again at 5.445 and toddle off into work for an easy day doing a safety awareness course for school kids, being red nose day work thought it would be a rip by letting everything fall to bits,, all before seven am.. get in .. no truck to do the course, they had to send it out.. great,,, we are gonner look like planks with no damn truck eh.. ones coming in at 845,, ok,, improving... one of the guys doing the course with us phones in sick..hhahaha,, really going well this eh.. then the shift manager shuffles our side of the desk.. you know hes on a mission.. he dont come round and speak to the enemy unless he wants something.. he has a tastse for chewing pens , think he already chewed his way through a couple .. so here comes the question.. "do you need three HGV drivers to do this course?" ohh yeah,, wottsup.. spit it out.. stood a journey at 445 am this morning .. no driver. ... looking round for the cameras being its red nose day .. this day is turning into a tragedy, let alone a comedy.. short and end of it was, i ended up taking the truck out... dear me,,,that brings us round to tonite . although not to present time.. presently and directly off to bed ..throwing in the towel, climbing the wooden hill to nodsville... im done in.. good weekend all.

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