Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Exploring the possibility of beauty.

Nothing new here. Snow and an early morning trip to Miners Marsh to see if the %#$* snow was doing anything spectacular as it stuck to the trees.

I do feel privileged to be the first on the bridge, before all the foot and paw traffic had a chance to disturb and compress the freshly fallen snow. Actually, an underdressed teen with a push scooter (scourge of the sidewalks is what I choose to call them) came up behind me and across the bridge as I shot my last (this pic). Not sure where he was going to be scootering today...

More snow is coming. A storm on Tuesday (20-30cm) and then I was told today there will have to be a "smelt" snow sometime in early April. I thought it was "farmer" snow (heavy snow, but a fast melt that helps prep the fields), but I guess smelts are the true prognosticators of spring as I assume they refuse to swim, spawn or whatever unless there's an early April snowfall.

Step aside shadow seeking rodents!!!

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