St Magnus Cathedral et al

The Ist of July and weather perfect in Stromness. Well it absolutely was at 4am when I woke. Hamnavoe was still and flat calm,
not even a tiny ripple marring the mirror like surface. The sky was blue and the risen sun shone as a golden globe on the town.
I lay abed as long as I thought decent, but eventually got up and helmeted I rode off into the sunshine only to discover the veils of mist rising from the sea and the lochs threatened my view. They seemed to get thicker the further I rode, until my visibility was down to 100yds in places. I don’t give up easily and eventually after 15 miles they thinned and I could appreciate the views again just as I returned to Stromness. Any reasonable person getting up at a reasonable time would never have realised that the mist had happened.

Later, much later, I got the bus to Kirkwall for a valedictory coffee at my favourite coffee shop, a chat with a local I met by chance 4 weeks ago and the buying of an Orkney Calendar for next year.

Now I’m waiting to meet IainatCreel and Mrs Creel off the boat from Scrabster. I think a seat in the sun is called for.

Several photos around Kirkwall this morning have made the cut.

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