Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A busy day

Tommy and Gavin got home from collecting Tommy from university quite late last night, there was so much stuff to unpack but luckily this morning there were only 2 loads of washing of his bedding as he had done everything else before coming home - he has learnt well!

I had to take the car to the garage to get the wing mirror replaced, and then got a taxi home as no one could fetch me - Gavin is having a very busy working week and Tommy is not insured on our other car. 

Xena was waiting patiently for her walk, we had quite a long walk this morning, then after lunch I met a friend who is vaccinating nearby and she wanted a walk after a long shift. So Xena had another very long walk this afternoon. Here she is relaxing after her walks.

It has been a quiet week but I have a very busy weekend coming up. This time two years ago we had both Luke and Adam's graduations, Tommy's end of school concerts and leavers events, and we had a summer ball at school. It was a different life then and I do miss it - different because of the stage of life we were at with our boys and also being pre-Covid there were many more summer functions on. At the start of the pandemic I remember hearing a scientist say that Covid will affect our lives for many years to come and I did not quite believe it - now I think it will be a permanent part of our lives that we will have to learn to live with. I was pleased to hear that the government has approved the roll out of a booster/3rd vaccine in the autumn for the over 50's and vulnerable. In just over 2 weeks time the the government are planning to ease all Covid restrictions in England, it will feel very strange not to wear masks anymore as we have got so used to them. 

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