The dropped stitch

By Bodkin

mermaid's tresses

Day 2 in Shetland and feeling very lucky to have more sunshine with the most beautiful blue sea and sky. 

We all headed down to Sumburgh Head in search of puffins and delicious cake. (Admittedly some of the party rather rushed past the puffins so as to get a good position in the queue for the cafe.)

After the refreshments we went for a super walk along the coast at Scatness. A perfect spot, with something to please all ages of walker. Swaths of sea pinks cover the banks and the cliff scenery is spectacular. Young and older enjoyed exploring in the small coves scrambling over smooth rocks and peering into rock pools searching for tiny crabs and sea anemones among the delicate sea weeds.

We found a natural swimming pool in the rocks with long spaghetti-like swirls of seaweed. (see extra). 
These 'mermaid's tresses' delighted R and F who devised a game in which R fished out strands, (here being assessed), and then shared the harvest with his sister so that each could throw them back one by one, making a wish with each throw.

Such a joy to spend time with them and listen in on the fun and imaginings.

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