July calendar new picture

A very warm day so a bit of garden work but not much. I cut back the redcurrant bushes as they have no fruit this year but they seem to have something that is curling up the leaves so best get rid. The raspberries are coming on well as are the apples and blackcurrants. Plus.... eureka .... 3 plums (that I can see). I also watered all the hanging baskets.

My tooth broke off, It had been extensively filled and the filling came out during the lockdown time, and there was a big hole and just a front bit of tooth, after my tea tonight I suddenly noticed the remaining tooth was gone, (I must have swallowed it with my burger) so now there is only the root left in, I think that is dead though. so I will have to ring the dentist and see if he is taking bookings or even still in business. to have the remaining root removed.

The growing zone is an allotment that is designed for disabled and vulnerable children and adults to potter in and enjoy. It's a very bright and cheerful place.

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