Big Island, Small Anchorage

Enough loitering! After Cap’n Jimbo sizzled up the snozzlers we were off down that coast checking out the anchorages. At least, I think that’s what we were about. It could equally well have been to further the First Mate’s study of geology, such was his desire to get as possible to every bloody rock going.
First stop, Eilean Mor (big island) in the McCormack Isles. An very tiny anchorage indeed with antiquities ashore which were well worth a visit. Onward! To Craighouse on Jura, where that outboard was pressed into action. It worked! I’m so thrilled I can’t tell you. But no lobster was available. We had been promised lobster. We had to settle for Jura crab claws instead. Yes, imagine. But rather ok Islay beer. And gosh, Jura now also do a Rum! Deer Island. We had to sample that of course.
Back to the boat, the 2-stroke pushing us along in its happy noisy eco-friendly way, there to sit out and read.

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