
By Digitalies

Over and out!

Had a bit of an accident on the way home last night.

I was cycling home in the (heavy) rain and I went to nip up onto the pavement to cut a wee corner. It was a bit flooded but it looked like the kerbs were going down into a slant and it would be a nice smooth transaction.


Well, the kirbs didn't slant and the flood had masked a huge pot hole. Therefore I didn't adjust my weight accordingly.

And over the handle bars ( in slow motion, I may add) I went, right into a big puddle and the bike landed on top of me. In hindsight I should have blipped direct from the trenches.

I think this is the first time I have ever went over the handlebars. It didn't hurt as much as you would imagine.

But not something I wish to repeat anytime soon.

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