Passing the Token

Weybourne Station (my favourite) has finally opened up on the Poppy Line, and although you're not allowed on the platform unless travelling, you can still get a cuppa and a cake at the cafe and sit on picnic benches lineside. In my photo taken from the bridge, you can see the driver passing a token to the guard as the train slowly draws into the station, which allows travel on the previous section of the line. The walk from Sheringham Park, down the hill and alongside the fields with a distant view of the windmill and sea, stopping at the station for a cuppa and walking back up the hill through the woods is one of my favourite walks. G and I did said walk this morning on a much warmer day than it has been - just lovely. 

Day 473 / Day 47 of Step 3 of Roadmap Easing (for my record only)
Deaths in India pass 400,000 and the WHO says that 'Africa's third wave is like nothing we've seen before' due to the Delta variant. PHE estimates that in England alone, the vaccine has prevented 7.2m infections and 27,000 deaths. England's R no. has reduced slightly to 1.1 to 1.3, with infections growing at between 2 to 5% a day. The ONS infection survey shows increasing rates in private households to 26th June, with 1 in 260 in England having the virus, 1 in 150 in Scotland, 1 in 450 in Wales and 1 in 670 in NI. In another quibble with the EU, Britons who were vaccinated with the AZ vaccine from our c5m batches made in India may not have their vaccinations recognised by the EU - although a member of the JCVI thinks this is just 'an administrative hurdle'. Blood Cancer UK says that 8 in 10 people it surveyed were not told by the NHS that they may not respond as well to coronavirus vaccines due to their weakened immune systems. Blood cancer patients are also accounting for a number of COVID admissions in intensive care. ONS figures reveal nearly half of British adults met up with family and friends indoors last week, and 50% of working adults are back in the office. A laboratory study shows the J&J single dose vaccine has shown significant promise against the Delta variant. Quite rightly a man has been charged with common assault on the CMO Chris Whitty as clear in the phone footage published recently. 

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