This bird and I
I was waiting at a customer for my turn to back in when this bird flew onto my driver's side mirror. The radio was on plus both windows were open. I figured it would see me and fly away. Nope, it looked out, at me and... So I talked to it.
We chatted about all the noise lately and that it is just fine as this bird didn't know Sunday was the Republic of the United States Independence Day. I also let it know people celebrate by shooting off fireworks, having picnics, family and friends getting together and..
This bird started to shake its head - you don't understand, I'm flying around minding my own business when these fireballs fly by me and make the loudest noise. How would you like it to dodge those things?
I never thought about it from a birds perspective. So to all those celebrating the 4th with fireworks, please give our feathered friends some consideration.
I and this bird thank you
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