Respice, Prospice.

Post processed - yes.

Then again, everything in our past is. This morning our esteemed leader was talking about teaching history to kids - give them dates and tales of an illustrious past. Let them learn about the wonders of empire and colonization. Let them understand what we (not me) did to bring morality and righteousness to the world.

Hmm. Nice to see the world through rose coloured spectacles, but a tad unrealistic I think. Suppose it makes for a compliant body politic if no-one is taught to think.

The image: easy to romanticize - given to me by an uncle who is now long gone. He also gave me my first chemistry set (you know the ones that had all sorts of weird coloured liquids and powders, test tubes and pH paper) and my first camera. That was however, then. Now it's about making the world work for tomorrow. I need to think critically for that one. I don't think Cameron's way is better.

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