Ringing the changes
A strange day today - warm and dry, but with only hazy, diffused sunshine and a very light breeze. Spent some time this morning pott(er)ing and weeding plants and watering. I usually buy summer bedding each year to fill the pots and planters around the front door and the raised part of the deck, and this year I tried these calibrachoa for the first time. Related to petunias and at one time included in the genus, these are South American plants and are known as ''Trailing Petunia' or 'Million Bells'. A lot less blowsy that petunias - I rather like them.
After lunch I forced myself out to do a litter pick. I've been putting it off for a while - it's either been too wet, too windy or too hot, so I had no excuse today. I began by going up to McCaig's Tower which was heaving with tourists picnicking on the grass - some of them actually had the nerve, with a grin, to pop their rubbish into my bag as I walked by! Nothing like being a walking litter bin! A lot of rather disgusting rubbish, but mainly, as usual, concerned with food and drink, including quite a few carry-out boxes. Plenty of face masks too!
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