Me and Me Mam and Me Dad and Me Gran

Today was always going to be about the football.  

I knew this from the moment England topped their group in the Euros.  Himself tried the "You do realise that Tooli will be leaving the country in a few weeks, I think we should extend our weekend by a day".    I looked at him and thought, "you really think I'm that daft".  

I packed an extra set of underwear and additional clothes.  

It was almost the first question Tooli asked us when we arrived "You are staying for the football yes? "   Himself looked sheepish and said, "your mum hadn't made up her mind".    I nearly kicked him on the spot. 

Of course I woulnd't deprive him of a Euro Match, In Engerland - when the opponent was Germany. 

I still insisted that we do tourist things in the morning though.   And after getting the bus to town, we headed for the Queen Anne Lane Coffee shop - and that coffee was worth the stop.  And the long search for it.  (It was on the corner of the Queen Anne Lane) . 

Then we walked to the Natural History Museum where we had an 1130 check in.   Tooli strolled up as I was taking photos of leaves trying to identify trees, she was very impressed. 

The Museum was lovely  - nicely spaced out lots to see, Damien Hirsts Cows in Formaldihide. ... and then we found the Pitt Museum at the back. 

See my extra.  I don't think there was a means of getting any more stuff in that room - and there was four floors of it. 

After an hour of wandeing around in there - Tooli and I headed in to a Gender exhibition, and we lost Si.    We found him pacing by the door.  He had had enough. 

He took off at this point - I bought a mug at the prison yesterday.  A mug emblazoned with all the Oxford Colleges on it.  When I got back to hotel I found I had picked one up with out ALL of the colleges, and Tooli's was missing. 

He, rather wonderfully ran back to the other side of the town, and got it swapped over for me,... there was only one on the shelf.   He says I must have looked at it, and then chosen one from the back (which is my way).   But now I have the correct one, and that made me happy. 

He wanted a Pastie - but we all decided we needed something too - so we took off at a pace down the road to the Turf Tavern.  Have a look at the extra - what a gorgeous little place.  All of the scanning, and sanitizing again, and we sat for a lush meal. 

Then we had to go to the bus, because we HAD to get back in time to get "good seats" for the football. 

We got the bus back, got to the room and Tooli presented Dad with his new Football Shirt.   He had odd socks on, and so odd socks will have to feature for all other matches. 

Then we set off walking through Iffley Village, down to the lock, and along the Thames, and the Mathematical Bridge to the Isis Farmhouse. 

Now - far away from this being the home of Al-Qaeda This is a farmhouse, named for the old name of the Thames, Tamesis,  (tam-isis)  The Farmhouse is olde worlde and rustic.  The front meadow is full of picnic benches.  Too many for me to count. 

We were there 3 hours before the match, such was His desperation to ensure we had a "good seat". 

The seats for the big screen were actually inside a marquee.  And as we sat and enjoyed pitchers of beer (topped up with Lemonade - Toolibelle and I were pacing ourselves) ... I thought Oh god. Heat, sweaty tent, shouting. 

But it all turned out good. When there were 5 other people in the tent himself decided it was TIME. 

And just as we decided it was TIME, the Good folk of the farmhouse, opened the walls of the Marquee.   Not only were we inside, but we were fully ventilated too. 

The tent slowly filled, much to himself's joy.  As we had sat, three hours before the match, he was concerned that no one else would turn up.  As the prematch coverage started, he looked behind him and positively beamed when he saw, not only was the marquee filled, but tables had been dragged over to the opening - AND another marquee was busy behind. 

A boat had turned up too - and emptied it's crew into one of the marquees. 

I watched, people, watched, beer watched, glanced at the TV, chatted to Boy and Jess.  And then the first half... painful, and full of oooohs and ohhhhhhs. 

Second half.  First goal.  Oh my god. The place erupted. It was amazing. Everyone was jumping (in their own bubbles) and screaming.  It's been so long since Si was able to enjoy a football match for England with such abandon. 

Second goal, I seriously thought the place was going to collapse with all the jumping, shouting and screaming.  

At the end.....  the place was a party.  The Hostess of the Farmhouse brought shots round for everyone and was overwhelmed to discover a Scot sitting screaming for Engerland. 

We sat quietly after the match, enjoying the atmosphere, watching people smiling clapping each other's backs, and leaving down the river bank. 

and then we started back... 

The idea was that we have another drink at the hotel, but by the time we arrived back.  We were exhausted.  

EMotionally and physically. 

We stuffed Tooli in a Taxi (same taxi driver as last night, who was confused that she didn't sound as Scottish as me) .... and hit bed. 

a Glorious day.

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