
...are all the rage

in flowers

and in purple - no less, makes it especially - fetching in a garden - on a patio - these are sitting - in hanging pot #2 after - severe hail storms - several days in a row - led to the demise - of one of my hanging pots - the other is hanging - in the balance - for the moment - too soon to make - a drastic decision - about it yet - i really want to give - it a 2nd chance - so trimmed off all the - truly desiccated and dead stuff - which ended up being - close to 3/4 of the plant - and am now babying - the remainder of it

so far it has bounced back - remarkably well which has - pleasantly surprised me - as i thought it would - just give up - and die on me - but it’s proving to be - rather resilient and warrior-like - for a plant - and i find i am cheering - it on every time - i water it - so that’s what’s been making it...


happy day.....

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