Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

I was only thinking the other day that I hadn't seen any haaf netters in the Solway estuary.  Probably not worth their while as the number of salmon they are allowed to catch is very very low, something like one a week!  Tonight the tide was in and I saw a lone one.  He'd actually  been fishing in the middle of the estuary on a sand bank and had one of those fancy machines which can be used as a boat and on dry land.  Believe its called amphibious vehicle  Took some photos but didn't come out too good.  After he put the amphibious vehicle on the back of his trailer he then went into the water to do some more fishing and Misty looked back to see what he was doing.  Its the first time she's ever paid attention to something going on behind her and believe me there's been lots going on over the years!  

If anyone is interested .... 

Haaf netting has been practised on both sides of the Solway Firth for hundreds of years.

The technique for catching salmon is believed to have been brought to Scotland by the Vikings in 900AD, and is still used on the estuary which marks the border between Scotland and England.The fishermen use a net mounted on a large rectangular frame, which is supported by three legs.

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