
By sleepyduck

Mrs Sleepyduck has a lie in

It's a lovely sunny day out there and I feel like I ought to go out and get a lovely sunny blip, but this shot is so representative of this morning - and of Sunday mornings in general - that I have chosen it as today's blip. Mrs S looks so lovely when she's asleep :-) Or, in this case, half asleep with an idiot hovering over her with a Nikon going clack clack...

Lest there be any misunderstanding, Mrs S is also lovely when she's awake :-) I love her very much :-)

I blipped Mrs S on Monday and a couple of you remarked on a resemblance to Kurt Cobain. Not being much of a Nirvana fan, nor being one to take offence easily, Mrs S took this as neither an insult nor a compliment. Though she would like it to be known that she does not feel suicidal, which is a great relief. However, if Mrs S is Kurt Cobain, that makes me Courtney Love... which suggestion I find offensive in the extreme! Dogenzenji and Paul Johnston, look out - Courtney's coming to get ya!

There were also suggestions that I ought to treat Mrs S to an expensive haircut. Mrs S would like to express her gratitude to those who made this suggestion, but I have to say that I found it a little excessive... I did, however, offer to get the scissors. This offer did not go down well...

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, blippers!

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