
That other project that I've been doing based around The Magnetic Fields' 69 Love Songs album has finished today. It started with a cuckoo back on the 7th January and it's ended up with a zebra about an hour ago. Consider it now over, done and dusted. My favourite songs didn't always produce the best blips. Conversely, some of my favourite blips from the series were ones that soundtracked the songs I listen to least. Some blips were better in concept than execution, and some inevitably disappointed a little, but overall as an exercise in thinking up ideas, however literal or abstract they may have been, I'm glad I did it. And I'm now glad that it's over as well. Thanks to anyone who left comments, subscribed or lent me props. All very much appreciated.

If I had to pick one out of the whole 69 images that made up the project, one where I was really happy with the blip itself and loved the song that it represented it would probably be this blip for this song. Plus, it was a real team effort.

[So, for the final time - The Other Place]

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