
....  but it didn't last long.  Let me explain...

Today was the day for Dad to go out for lunch with Louie and his Mommy and Daddy.  They were going for a tasty lunch and we thought we might pop out somewhere different to try a local pub or garden centre.  The we realized we could watch the grand prix and send out for some food we wouldn't normally have.  Courtesy of a delivery company and Colonel Sanders.  All good.  I did wonder why we had three cans of coke and three boxes of food.  Then I looked again and found there was nothing we had ordered in the big brown bag at all.  Eeeekkkk!  By this time the grand prix had started!  I got on the dog and bone and after a very convoluted phone call I got through to Colonel Sanders that we had entirely the wrong order.  Then it got even more complicated as Rob had a phone call from a woman who had our order and who wanted to know if we had hers.  she could have had it if she wanted cold food.  I eventually managed to find the store  and collected a nearly correct order.  I got home with 10 Grand prix laps to go!

You might be interested to see my "resting" jigsaw puzzle which has defeated me currently.  You can also see the money jar which contains the payments for the family sweep for the Euro football.  I still have one team  in!  Then there is a leaflet about wild life in natural burial grounds, a Euros football chart, oranges and the key pot which comes to bed with us at night time.

And of course the three spare food boxes...

Best laid plans and all that....

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