I'm going to say its a Seagull

I'm rubbish at birds and flowers, Hungary is a land locked country but I'm sure this is a seagull, if you know better let me know please and I'll update the heading :-)

Got up early this morning, while it was still dark and made my way across the city to the banks of the Danube set up my camera for the sun to rise over the parliament building, it didn't happen, well the sun came up but there was too much cloud and just acres of grey. I was hoping for a shot similar to Karen's great sunrise, unfortunately it wasn't to be.
I did annoy a few tramps at the tramps spa, this is a culvert where the water drains from the Buda spa's straight into the Danube and is still hot, you'll often see them sitting in this to keep warm. They were annoyed because I'd disturbed the seagulls and they were flapping about them :-) well it is Saturday and they probably wanted a lay in.
So I took a few snaps and made my way to breakfast, then into the city.

Skip this part non Rugby fans :-)

It's the big day, Wales v England at the Millennium stadium, it's half an hour to kick off and I'm in a Scottish pub waiting for it to start. In cardiff now there's 72'000 people in the stadium and estimated 200'000 in Cardiff, it's ok though Valley lines the train service have put on an extra carriage.
In 1999 Wales met England in Wembley, the stadium was 3 month away from being complete. Wales had lost heavily to Scotland in the opener then to Ireland and just beat France by one point. The favourites England had to beat Wales to be crowned champions. I'd travelled to Wembley that day with some friends and witnessed a fantastic game with England being domminant, the boot of the Ginger Messiah Neil Jenkins had kept us in the game....just. Wales had won a line out close to the end of the game, Chris Wyatt took it off the top, Howley fed in to Scotty Quinell who took the hits as he popped the ball to Scott Gibbs who for the first time in his career used a side step instead of the head down and charge approach. Tim Rodber had missed the tackle, first thing he'd done wrong all day and Gibbs went over the line threw a arm in the air and scored.
This isn't what I remember the most though, England were still winning 31-30 and what I remember was the silence in the ground, as he put the ball down both sets of fans held their breath as he slotted it through the middle, was it ever in doubt? :-) Wales won and handed the title to the Scots :-) Games like this is why I love rugby. Win or lose today both sets of fans will drink side by side and have a great time, Cardiff is one of the best places on the planet to watch rugby mainly because the ground is in the heart of the city.
So I'm sat in a half full Scottish bar with a family on the table next to me having a late lunch, while I type this to you lot, I love living in Budapest but today I want to be in Cardiff :-)
Cymru am Byth

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Thanks for all the lovely comments on the Museum yesterday :-)

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