
By LifeLines

More unsettled weather today. Heavy downpours being the theme, and this afternoon, gusty wind of 30mph. I’m quite fine with it as it means I feel I can do active things and sleep at night without over heating. As you can see from this blip, the purple vetch and birds foot trefoil seem to be enjoying it too.

Merlin woke us as usual at around 6am and was told to stay in his bed in the kitchen for a while longer. I usually get up at 7am to let him out and make some tea and toast - as I did this morning. He then sleeps for another few hours.

It’s been a day mainly taken up with massage practice. I drove to meet a fellow student to run through the details and practice for our first practical exam next Saturday. By the time I returned home mid afternoon, had eaten a late lunch and sorted out my notes, washed towels etc, it was time to walk Merlin.

And so it’s been a weekend with no allotment work. I’m missing spending so much time there. Soon it will be time to dig up the first of the potatoes- exciting!

Hope your day has been as you wished it to be. Take care.

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