Whilst in Devon..

By TonyL

Self Heal (Prunella Vulgaris)

"Spiritual and Energetic Uses: Self Heal can be used to give strength to those suffering chronic, long lasting illness who are beginning to lose hope. It can encourage self healing and motivation and support self transformation probably not overly surprising given the colour of the flowers. Purple has often been associated with spiritual growth. Self Heal is the flower of magic and fortitude the ability to see the wonder in small things and use those as stepping stones to get you through dark times."

According to the 16th-century herbalist John Gerard, 'there is not a better wounde herbe in the world'.
The 17th-century botanist Nicholas Culpeper wrote that the plant is called selfheal because 'when you are hurt, you may heal yourself'.

These are growing all over the patch of grass alongside the caravan!

But for many it's just a weed!

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