
We had our regular day with Luca today, a pleasure, as always. He is a gentle and cheery soul. Here he is, in the car, as we drove him back home at the end of the afternoon. He and I were deep in conversation about Thomas the Tank Engine, while Richard drove.

This may turn out to be my last social outing for a while. Late this afternoon I chatted with Jack on WhatsApp. Marianna definitely has Covid, with some clear symptoms. As I was over at Jack and M's house within the last few days, I count as a close contact. They are isolating, and so am I for now. Richard and I will get a PCR test tomorrow morning, as a precaution. I may get some catching up done in the garden...

Last night, I filled up the car with petrol at a busy service station. About 1 in 3 customers were not wearing masks inside the shop, and many were not social distancing either. This felt really uncomfortable. But not surprising, given current govt messages. It all feels ominous.

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