Best Shot of the Day

By wkennan

Seeing eye to eye

A rainy day - good for watching the birds on the feeders. but away from Cornish rain my worry is in Thailand with my son and his young family. They were due to fly to Europe today. They were Covid testedfor the flight at Mae Sot a town 6 hours away from their village. One test came back saying my daughter -in-law was positive when that would have been impossible as they live so remotely and she was asymtomatic. Result they missed their flight and had to drive all the way back - and my son and the children were allowed to isolate in their house while his wife was put in the Covid ward of the local hospital (actually a room in the residency section of a  Buddhist monastery in the country as no room in the hospital) for the night. She demanded more tests - 2 came back negative but now they are still keeping her another two weeks in case she caught it in on the room with all the Covid patients. She has a separate room an uneasy wait.  

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