Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Fourth of July

I'm posting a day late because it was way too late when I got home last night.  We had a great day despite our smaller group this year.  For one reason or another, several were missing.

When we got to Darrin's dad's house, it hot and really humid - so unusual for us.  I was sweating perspiring sitting in the shade.  Before long we heard a very loud clap of thunder and the sky opened up.  The top left shows the pouring rain that continued for about 20 minutes.  The sky started to look clear again after about 45 minutes and the sun shone again but it was about 15 degrees cooler and the humidity was normal again, thank goodness.

Our fireworks show, facilitated by Darrin and Gavin, was great and the neighbors down the block shot off some huge (and definitely illegal) ones that were beautiful.  I am grateful for the soaking rain that helped me feel less worried about all the fireworks in the neighborhood!

The little cutie pie on Darrin's lap, is his nephew, the brother of his other nephew in the bottom left.  Graysen came as quite a surprise to his parents but he's a blessing to them and the whole family. :-)

Thanks to everyone who visited and left stars and hearts on my blips.  I really appreciate all of them!  Becky is a huge Star Wars fan so she loved her dad's Jedi portrait.  She immediately ordered a print which will hang in her office along with her other Star Wars decor. ;-)

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