Kids Chilling

Had a lovely day but phone battery ran out after too much map usage so hardly and pics. This was a later evening shot when the kids were playing cutely together. They had no idea I'd taken the shot.

In fact we went to Adrenalin Quarry, just over the border in Cornwall, for the morning. The additional pic is C&C on the giant swing. Kids and I also went on a big zip wire.

Later it was over to near Tavistock - parking at Yelverton - to cycle in to see my cousin, her husband, their daughter and her partner - and the dogs. Cycle was all going well but suddenly my saddle burst beneath me. Turns out a bolt had sheared off. Saddle was intact, we found all the bits and were only 1.1miles from Tavistock Cycles. Stood cycled into town. Shop was open, we lunched and bike was fixed for a fiver. Brilliant!

On to my cousins. A chat and cuppa in the kitchen and it started pouring. A very wet but still good cycle back to car. Drive to Gara Bridge and a brilliant Monday Roast. Lovely day despite the weather.

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