A day doing some household stuff plus photo tidying up. I've also listened to a video sent to me for our EDPS Mindful Photography course about Wabi-Sabi. Roughly translated from Japanese this means imperfect aged beauty.
It is quite an interesting read and I now have to learn to translate this into photography. Wabi-sabi in photography can be split into 3 main types - photography of the overlooked beauty, photography of worn and weathered beauty, and adding imperfections to staged images to make them seem more real.
This photo to me has a touch of Wabi-Sabi because normally I would crop this and get rid of the black spots, but today to celebrate what I'm learning - so this is the imperfect image.
I'm definitely wabi-sabi being an aged imperect woman, but now I can celebrate that - yeah.
Thank you all so much for your lovely, hearts, stars and comments on yesterdays, bumble on speedwell photo. So very much appreciated.
Enough waffling - hope this is a fun blip. Take care stay safe and see you all tomorrow.
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