Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

I have never seen this!

A cardinal feeding a cowbird...maybe a juvenile that was hatched with the cardinal eggs.  Cowbirds will lay eggs in the nests of other birds.  I did see the beautiful brown headed/blue bodied cowbird here early in the spring with a female so apparently the nesting happened.  

Nature is surely the most amazing thing.  

We are getting ready for some rain and wind from Tropical Storm Elsa tomorrow and Thursday.  We do need the rain but.... Hoping she will fizzle out over Florida and Georgia.   Prayers for Blippers with home along the Florida West Coast.    As well as my Uncle Tom in Bradenton. 

My cousin from Cleveland is vacationing at the beach here in SC and I planned to go visit her for a couple of days.   Maybe I will wait until Friday!    

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