Tiny Tuesday

We made a quick trip over to the botanical gardens this morning so my husband could go for a run and I could get some sort of critter on a pretty flower for Tiny Tuesday.  The heat did us both in within less than an hour but I was fairly happy with the shots I came home with.  Be sure to view this in LARGE.

I have already had a quick look at the Tiny Tuesday entries that have shown up so far and they look fantastic.  I look forward to taking a closer look.  Thursday will be a travel day for us as we head back to New York to see number 4 son for the first time in 1.5 years, so I will either get the results posted late Weds, will miss Thursday or late on Friday. 

Many thanks to all of you who are joining in the challenge as well as a big thank you for all the lovely hearts, stars and comments for my pink Spoonbill picture yesterday.   

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