This is my 3,650th blip - 10 years - wow. I don't imagine anyone starts out here and thinks to themselves "yep, I'm gonna do this every day for 10 years". And yet, here I am, with no intention of stopping or even slowing down.
What makes this so darned addictive? For me, a huge part of it is the friendships, the learning, the community. So many people have been so willing to share their knowledge with me over the years here and I've learned SO much. Not just about photography, either. I've learned about insects and hedgehogs and spiders and autism and so many other things. I've also made many great friendships here - many have transferred to real-world friendships (and some fabulous trips) while others stay here in Blip; but they are all special. I feel like we've all gone through so much together - last year we photographed our way through Covid and (in the US) a terribly messy presidential election. This year, you all stood beside me while I dealt with cancer, offering kindness, chocolate and endless support.
All a long and roundabout way of saying that I'm definitely in for another ten!
Today's blip is kind of symbolic in some ways. Over the years, I've become passionate about insects (much to the horror of my poor Hubs) and I think this is a new bumble bee species for me, Bombus griseocollis, or brown belted bumble bee. I saw (and photographed) it from my bobbing kayak this morning at a lake I hadn't been to yet this year. I tried hard to make it into a rare, endangered rusty-patched bumble bee, but I am pretty sure it is not that. Still, it's a neat bee and a decent enough shot considering the conditions.
It's super hot again today but I still spent two hours on the lake, mostly cooled by a nice strong breeze wind which also gave my paddling muscles some work. Happy to put my feet up and rest now. Yogurt and fresh fruit for lunch - still trying to feed my body with as many good things as possible.
Stay cool and have something yummy.
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