A little light

A busy day with not much photography!.  Tried a different route to Solihull today and that turned out to be not a good idea!  We eventually got there and parked in an appropriate place to go and look at lights and furniture.  It was meant to be a fact finding mission and it went quite well until I nearly walked through the door into the car park - and then I saw it!  Just what I wanted in a lamp for the new lounge!  So we had to go back and buy it.  No problem except we had to go to the lamp sales desk to reserve it, then the pay desk to pay for it and then the collection desk to collect it.  Then it was find the lift to get back to the car in the car park  to find the pay machine was on the floor above us.  I went back.  Rob took the enormous box to the car.  Slight problem.  Too big for the boot.  Too big to go through the door onto the back seat.  Now.....  How do we drop the back seats?  Are we running out of getting out of the car park time????  Minor painic!  We made it with a short time to spare!  Got it home.  Put it together.  Liked it a lot.  Went back to get another one....

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