
By SteinJ

I don't want to talk about it

Before anything else, I have to thank you all for the overwhelming response to yesterday's blip!!!

Blip is a great way to capture unique moments in life. Today I had one of those moments, but I don't want to talk about it (Everything but the Girl version). OK then, I'll do it anyway.

My dear daughter Maria is 18, as many of you know, and this means that I have no formal authority over her. She is of course very much aware of this fact and what you see here is a result of recently acquired self-determination. Yes, it's a tattoo! I actually don't have anything against tattoos on others, but when it comes to my daughter it kind of feels different...

Anyway, Maria made a sales spiel beyond belief, with tears in her eyes, when she told me that the tattoo would symbolise her grandparents who no longer are with us. I was of course left without words, and off she went to the tattoo parlour.

I thought that at least I should capture the moment, so I went after her and was allowed to joint the party with my camera...

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