
By StillLearning

Anita Signing

I draw inspiration from many events and achievements. Small things maybe but each in its own way is a source of energy and encouragement. And lots of little things add up.

For example, I find inspiration in those who take ordinary materials from everyday life and fashion things of beauty. The materials might be metal, paint, data, words or so many others. Using their natural and practised talents, the artefacts which they create deserve attention and sharing with a wider community. They become too good to hide away, to keep to yourself. There emerges a responsibility to put it out there.

The act of sharing requires persistence and courage. There will be rejections on the way and public exposure can bring unkind comments.

The convenor of Pentland Writers Group (as well as many other things) has had her first book published. Anita John's "Child's Eye" was launched this afternoon at the Scottish Poetry Library. It felt good to be there and celebrate the sharing.

And I got my book signed.

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