Sauna evening after late nap

Woke up at 5am as my poor left shoulder was sore, somekind of nerve pain. So I massaged local painkiller on the skin, ate my breakfast and went back to bed. Slept late, but felt tired. And the shoulder was sore again, milder, but sore.

I had planned a trip to Jämijärvi but apparently change to the plan was better idea. So I decided to take all collected stuff to recycling, including my father's diaprojector and my and my daughter's old good clothes.

In the afternoon visit to my mom (got some small carpets to wash, one long too). And I made myself a good meal followed by a long nap in garden swing. Marvelous

The blip is a sauna pier of Veittijärvi Winter-swimming club. No ice, nor hole on it, as the lake water was +26c. I webänt there alone as hubby is in Tokyo.

Temperature today +30c. But after really hot sauna, I felt fresh and cool!


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