
By TheBigCheese1


Been a long day.  My first meeting never showed up (rude); the second was a bit of a giggle; started work on a 55 page document that I then found I didn’t need to do; wrote a letter out to parents about activities we can do in the last three days of term when restrictions ease - how many complaints will I get tomorrow do you think?; helped a colleague in another local school with a safeguarding issues; covered after school care whilst staff all got trained up on occupational therapy.  Not even started writing comments on reports yet.

Drove past this tree on my way home and liked that it was covered in many years worth of twisty vine.  Also saw a herd of deer in a field next to the road, just chilling.

Home to a governor meeting completed at high speed before the football started.

Roll on the end of July.

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